Saturday, June 5, 2010

FaMiLy DaY!

Today we took a family day! We started our morning with breakfast at Starbucks. Last night the guys all went to dinner together and found the new Starbucks had opened and claimed "It is the NICEST Starbucks they've EVER been to!" So we all had to check it out...and it was:-) We came back, got dressed to go swim, and Brian found us a pool we could pay to go swim in...since our hotel doesn't have a pool. We spent the afternoon at the pool, had lunch, and just enjoyed some sweet family time together. The funniest part is I haven't been giving the kids any fruit, because there's a pretty good chance you would get sick. My kids LOVE fruit! I felt pretty safe ordering some fruit from the hotel and you would have thought they had never eaten fruit before! They all had fruit juice dripping down their chins and eating it before I could cut it. Port said it was the best treat! (I guess we are pretty easy to please around here)
Last night we went back to the Corneish to meet people. Brian immediately encountered a guy and had a great conversation. They were meeting tonight to talk more about Jesus! We decided to try a family treasure hunt where we each came up with a clue and tried to find all clues in one person. Our clues were male, red shirt, and ball. We found a dad playing soccer with his kids while wearing a red shirt! We went and talked to him, asked if he wanted prayer, and he thought we were a little crazy and declined prayer. Then he invited us over for coffee, the kids played soccer, and they gave Ella food! The kids had the best time playing soccer. Haynes was an all-star playing with the big kids and then would go and hold hands with the sweetest little girl. It was a great night!
We were super tired from our fun family day so I brought the kids home and everyone is in bed before 10! Brian had two different guys to follow up with tonight, we are expectant for amazing things! We are loving Lebanon and our team is absolutely amazing!

*I haven't posted pictures because it won't let me...we are taking tons of pictures to add when we get home! Thanks for all the fun comments!
*I am not even touching on all the fun stories that are going on around here, but here's a really fun one. Mary encountered a woman at the park today. They got to pray with her and then the woman asked them over for lunch this week. Mary asked if she would be interested in eating, reading the bible, and praying together when they meet. They woman was so excited she said that she would have to bring her sisters and other family members along too! Isn't God so fun!?!


abbey said...

keep the stories coming. we are celebrating with you! please give mary and everyone our love:)

TheRays said...

Fun to hear what God is doing with your family:) God is so good. Can't wait to see all your fabulous pictures!!
love you

Kerri said...

Love it!

Bemery said...

Thanks for keeping us posted Sarah, been praying for all you guys tonight. Can't wait to see some pictures!