Sunday, July 4, 2010

Haynes is potty trained! year ago we had Haynes potty party! About a week ago I just decided that he knew what he was doing, just needed a little we took diapers off and replaced them with undies. We had a few accidents to start with, have gone through lots of gum balls, and are now doing AWESOME! Brian and I went to Dallas for our anniversary last weekend and my mom would send me pictures of Haynes after going potty. His little face just lights up...he's just absolutely precious! The other thing that I decided about Haynes is that while he enjoys treats (I mean who doesn't...), he mostly receives quality time as his love language. So we would tell him if he could make it a whole day without an accident he could have a date with Daddy! That worked great and he got a few special dates with Lolli and Champ while we were gone. I sure do love learning all the fun things about each of my kiddos! We love you Hayners...Duders!

*Haynes has also been saying, "Don't laugh...I'm not funny!" I've tried explaining that people love being funny and making people laugh, but he hasn't bought it. He will say the funniest thing and then get so upset that we are laughing which only makes it worst. :-)

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