Sunday, August 15, 2010


Our sweet little girl is growing up so quickly! Here are some of her favorite quotes lately...

"You hurt me..." She says this all the time, even if she isn't hurt. I got her out of her bed the other morning and she looked at me and said "You hurt me" with a goofy smile:-)

"I try..." When we go to the pool we rarely leave without eating popsicles. Ella has learned to eat hers really quickly and then say "I try?!?" as she takes yours!

"Frog Poop...Frog Poop...Frog Poop" The other night she just started dancing around the living room for about 2-3 minutes saying "Frog poop...Frog poop...Frog poop"

"Baby?!?" Ella for some reason thinks that girls boobies are babies. She has walked up to countless friends and strangers, grabbed their chest, and then said, "Baby?!?" Oh my...

"I toot" Unfortunately she has probably learned this from her brothers....She got out of the car tonight, looked at Brian and said "I toot!" and just started laughing...

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Love her! She and SE are definitely kindred's with the "I toot"...he says it for himself and also others!