Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ella Rose 2nd Birthday Party!

My sister-in-law, Jenny, had a great idea for a birthday party at the new First Baptist Park. We decided that there isn't anything more perfect than a 2 year old birthday party at a park. I couldn't just show up for her party, which is what Brian had in mind...We decided to mix Ella's love for "TREATS and SWEETS" and the park!
We mailed out big pink suckers for the brother helped with the labels.
Our fun table of treats that we set up in the parking lot of the church.
We even managed a family picture before the party started. My mom made the fun banner for the party!
When I asked Ella what she wanted to have at her birthday a few weeks ago she said, "CAKE!"
We did a fun SWEETS table with all pink candy! Strawberries, fruitsnacks, cookies, punch, suckers, gum balls, nerds, popcorn, cupcakes, and so much more...I couldn't decide who loved the treats or Ella?!? She LOVED it!
All the kids got to take home a pink purse with candy necklaces, bracelets, rings, and lipstick.
My brother made some fun labels for me...Josh is absolutely the best!


the finley family said...

sarah! what a cute party! happy birthday to ella rose!! that punch looks yummy!! what is in it???

Hartsock kids said...

It's called "Crunch Punch" on my mom's website

9 cups hot tap water
3 - 3 oz pkgs jello
4 cups sugar
4 cups water

16 oz btl ReaLemon Juice
2 – 46 oz cans Pineapple Juice
2-4 Btls Ginger Ale

It's super yummy and easy!

the finley family said...

yummy!! thanks so much sarah!! and... i am thrilled to learn about your moms website!!! i can't wait to try some new things :)! it looks like a great website! thanks again!