Saturday, January 15, 2011

South Africa Bound!

Whitney went home to spend a few weeks with her family at Christmas, but came back for a few days with friends before she left yesterday! (Whitney, Drew, Mary and Claire all moved in for a few days. I'm not sure who liked it the most us or the kids!) We had a little going away dinner for her at Hideaway after celebration. We are going to miss her so much, but are beyond excited for all the amazing things God has waiting for her in South Africa!
*Brian and I had talked about how Whitney leaving might be difficult on our sweet kids. We also decided that since the Caldwell's would move in as she moved out, then as the Caldwell's move out our new baby should arrive, it might not be as tramatic...
Tuesday morning we all said bye to Whitney before we left for school. I happened to stop by Port's class to surprise him and he had the hardest time with me leaving, it was really unlike him. He even got so teary the teachers had to help him recover as we left! I got in the car and started praying and just felt like the Lord said, "He doesn't really know how to communicate that he is sad Whitney is gone." Oh heart just broke for my tender hearted 5 year old. He was better when I picked him up and we got to talk about missing Whitney, but being so excited for what she is doing in South Africa. Port decided that he just really wants to go visit over this next year, and I agree completely! The next day we had another tearful goodbye at BSF, so we are still working through the emotions of missing our sweet Whitney.

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