So we thought our doctor visits were over...but we were quite wrong. Friday was Halle's 2 week check up. Everything went pretty well, but Halle had lost weight so we had to schedule a weight check for Monday. Port had a play date with his cousins, Haynes had a play date with Beau, and Ella and my mom met us for lunch. After lunch we went by the mall and I fed Halle in the car while Ella and Lolli went inside to play. When I finished feeding Halle I put her in the stroller and headed inside. On our way inside she started gasping (which is normal for her breathing) but I felt like she wasn't recovering. Then her little lips, nose. and forehead turned blue. I ripped her out of the stroller and started praying! After convincing myself that I had actually seen that, I called Dr. Stacy.
Dr. Stacy had me come to the office immediately and then had us admitted to the hospital for observation. Brian raced home for the second time this week and met me at the hospital. They did blood work, chest x-rays, and an ultrasound of the heart. They hooked her up to some monitors so we could monitor her heart rate and oxygen levels. They started her on some medication for acid reflux too. We have some amazing friends and family that dropped everything and came to support us, watched our kids, and mostly prayed.
Halle's alarms went off quite a bit Friday evening, and I about lost my mind! Thankfully about 12:30 a.m. we fed her and put her in her crib. Her oxygen levels didm't drop once after that and they weighed her at 3:00 a.m. and she had gained 3 oz!!! Praise Jesus!!!!
They sent us home about 12:00 on Saturday. We now have our own apnea machine that alerts us when her heart rate drops too low or goes too high. While we are beyond thankful for the machine that gives us a peace of mind...our hope and trust is in Jesus. We believe that Halle will be healed QUICKLY!!
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