Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family Vacation

After a lot of planning and unplanning we finally headed out for our 2nd annual family vacation. We didn't have much time, so we headed to Dallas for a short weekend. We decided that it doesn't really matter where you go, it's just the time we spend together:-) Our trip was one for the memory book...everything didn't go as you would plan! We headed to Dallas around 4:00pm on Friday and didn't get to Six Flags until about 8:00pm!!
When we got to Six Flags a storm was going through Arlington, so they closed all the rides! We had already bought tickets online, so we decided to make the best of it! Thankfully our kids didn't have a clue and there were about 3 rides open for the boys to do.
Daddy rode with the boys, while Ella and I watched.
Six Flags has tons of Batman/Superman...the boys LOVED it!
Well...when we ran out of rides and still had 1.5 hours until the parade we found carnival games! We won balls, stuffed animals, capes, more than you EVER could need! Haynes was super proud of his basketball. I think this might have been the game that Brian had to argue to get our prize:-)
I don't know if I've ever really seen anyone win this one. All the boys tried, but we were most impressed by how close Brian got to the top!!!
Both the boys tried this one. First they tried on their own and then with a little help so they could win their cool Super Hero Capes!
Everyone got to play this one! I love this picture!
We grabbed some Dip & Dots (I told the boys Aunt Marci used to love Dip & Dots) for a treat. Port wasn't sure about those, but the other two had no complaints! I think Ella only got a quarter of it in her mouth, check out the ground!
Brian has been told quite a few times lately that people think he is the oldest of the three brothers. We walked by this guy and he said he would guess your Brian couldn't resist! The guy guessed that he was 33!!!
(Remember I was guessed to be 12 or 15 earlier this summer!)
We told the kids we would stay for the parade, but we didn't know that it wouldn't start until 10:15! Everyone got a rock sucker and enjoyed the light parade until about 11! We had a great night! Thanks to the rain, the weather was cool and there weren't any crowds....we'll take that favor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to go! I agree with you-- time together is what it's all about. Sounds like you had fun. :) and I'm so glad Haynes is ok...oh, those second boys...