Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family Night

Port has been planning our family night for a while, so we decided that when Brian got home we would take a family on Friday night. Port had been planning on going to Perfect Swing, but was devastated to discover it is closed! After we got control, we decided to head to Barnes & Noble. We had a great time....except Brian got hit in the eye by a book!
We stopped by Orange Leaf for a final treat! Our kids were so cute watching them "Try?!?" everyone's different flavors. Man I love my sweet little family!
*Brian did scratch the cornea of his eye...after a call to Dr. Cathleen and Dr. Geurkink we got some medicine and sent Brian to bed. The next day he felt a little better, with some blurred vision, so he went and had them check out his eye. Dr. Geurkink said everything was healing great and everything should restore to normal within a few days...Praise God he is doing GREAT!

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