Friday, February 20, 2009

McKenna and Port

Smile...first bloody nose! matter what!

Port and I go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) every Wednesday.  We go on a Breakfast Date to Panera, it is sooo fun!  After our class is over we head to JuJu's to pick up Haynes and Ella.  Usually McKenna, Kai, and Marce are spending the morning with JuJu too!  Port is always really excited to get to play when we get there.  
This week McKenna accidentally hit Port in the face with a bucket.  We couldn't figure out what had happened because both of them were crying SO hard!  I actually had to climb in the tree house and carry McKenna down because she was so sad.  We finally explained that Brian would be so proud that Port had his first bloody nose and it was really funny that it came from his "girl friend."  Fun memories!

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