Saturday, January 15, 2011


Monday morning it snowed for just a little bit! Port and Ella were at school so when we picked them up we raced home to play in the snow...unfortunately it had stopped and was melted. Since it was SO cold we decided to make snowflakes instead...
We love "projects" around here! So everyone found a seat at the bar and "patiently" waited for mom to get everything together.
I actually gave every kid a set of scissors and we started making a variety of snowflakes. It was super fun talking about how every snowflake is perfect and different just like the way God made us!
We were going to glitter but the mess was already got out of we went to coloring instead:-)
Markers did end up on faces and snowflakes...
We had a great time being creative, messy, and talking about God's creativity! I just love days at home with my sweet kids!

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