This summer we have been going to multiple doctor appointments to make sure that our little princess is just perfect. The cardiologist recommended that we see a genetic specialist because he thought Halle had some physical characteristics of a child with Williams Syndrome. We decided to do the blood test in Norman instead of waiting until August. The blood work tested positive for Williams Syndrome.
While this was the last thing we were expecting to hear, we stand confident that God is good and that Halle will be healed of this and it is not her destiny. We have learned a little about Williams Syndrome, but this is a great website to check for more details. have decided as a family that we will speak life over Halle and celebrate the victories we have daily as she walks out of this diagnosis. We are not in denial that she has this syndrome, but we are expectant for great things for Halle Beth.
Some things we are celebrating today:
-she doesn't have any eating problems
-she's started eating cereal and LOVES it!
-her heart is perfect...from the doctor!
-she is a happy/pleasant/easy baby!
-she is tracking with her eyes SO well!
-she holds her hands together & reaches for things
-tummy time is getting better and she is rolling over now
-she is talking non stop!!!
-her blood work came back perfect:
-calcium & kidney levels are perfect
-thyroid is perfect
-We started with Sooner Start last week and they basically told us that Halle wouldn't qualify for their program except that she has been diagnosed with Williams Syndrome.
-Our therapist, Ellen, is amazingly kind and Halle loves her.