Saturday, January 3, 2009

Gingerbread Christmas Party

Santa and Port
Snack time!
Emma and Port

Port goes to Gingerbread Preschool two mornings a week and LOVES it!  When you ask him what his favorite thing about school is, the answer is always the same....playing outside! I got to help with the Christmas party, we were assigned to bring "Protein."  So after much thought, we decided to bring sausage balls.  My mom and Port helped mixed them up and I baked them the morning of the party, the kids loved them.  That day at school Port was in charge of feeding the rabbits during playtime.  After the kids played outside, they had a special visitor, Santa, who brought each of them some bubbles.  They got to have snack time and then opened their stockings.  It was a great day!  Port loves his teachers, so he got to give them their Christmas gifts too.  We are super thankful for Gingerbread!
While Port and I were coloring together another Mom came and sat with us.  She told me that Emma asks how to spell Port's name at home when they are coloring together.  Later Port asked me to take a picture of him with Emma, we might have our first crush! :-)
*I don't know if I was more surprised that her daughter could write out names or if she was asking about Port?!?

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