Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A little more explanation...

Last Friday I got a little bit more clarity on our kidney ultrasound. They did the ultrasound to look for any deformities in her kidneys or blatter, due to the Williams Syndrome.
Halle's kidneys are a little smaller than average, but so is the rest of her:-) Meaning...there isn't any concern over her kidneys and bladder. The fluid on the left kidney could mean that her bladder has reflux, which could lead to bladder infections, UTI, etc. The great news is that this is pretty common and kids grow out of this quickly. We will schedule an appointment with an urologist, to try and prevent our little one from having any infections.
I talked with our PA, Amy, and she was beyond encouraging. Her words were, "Halle is doing amazing! She hasn't tested positive for anything having to do with William's Syndrome except for the initial blood work. She is developing great, growing, and thriving!"
We just love celebrating around here!

*I was listening to a teaching the other day and Bill Johnson said, "If we can't get excited about the headache that's gone, we can't be trusted with the empty wheelchair." Our family is committed to celebrating EVERY victory along the way, no matter how big or how small!


The Caldwell Adventures said...

going to do a victory dance over here!!!

Brogan said...

rejoicing over your victories, Hartsocks!!