Thursday, January 21, 2010

MoViE pArTy!

Rug time with cousins
Watching "Good-night Gorilla"
Haynes buying candy at the concession stand
Port buying popcorn at the concession stand

Today was the "Movie Party" for the Giants at Gingerbread. I have heard from so many former students that this was their FAVORITE party. Last year it snowed on the original party day, so I missed it. Port asked if Haynes could come with me to the Movie Party, so we were super excited to come visit today. I think my favorite moment of the morning was when I walked outside with Haynes and his cousins/brother spotted him! You would have thought he was a celebrity! They welcomed him like nothing I have ever seen and immediately pulled him into the tree house with them. They cheered him on while he did the fireman pole "by myself" was the sweetest thing I've ever seen! Teacher Skye quickly made Haynes a wallet so he could participate in the movie party.
The kids took their wallets (they had previously made) and paid for movie tickets, candy, drinks, popcorn and hot dogs. I was amazed at how great they all did at figuring out how much money they needed for each thing. They got to watch "Good-night Gorilla" which is one of our favorite books. It was such a fun party and Haynes definitely had a fabulous time!
*Later today I was asking Haynes what he was thankful for for and he chose Teacher Skye. Talk about a lasting impression!:-)

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