Friday, January 8, 2010


I forgot to post this...but just found the picture and knew that it had to be documented. Wednesday mornings Port, Haynes, and I go to Bible Study Fellowship together. I love the study, discussion with other women and mostly the children's program. I was sitting in lecture early in December when one of my discussion leader's from previous years came and found me. She quickly told me that Port had an accident and I needed to come! (This is EVERY mom's worst nightmare!) As we are going to get him I start asking a series of questions...
1. What happened?
Port ran into a glass window.
2. Is he cut?
3. Is he knocked out?
4. Is he crying?
No- not anymore...
At this point I'm wondering why I needed to come get him in the middle of lecture (don't I sound like a sensitive mom). I walk in to find 3 kind teachers loving on Port with hugs, ice, and concern. My first words are, "WOW Port! That's AWESOME! You're Dad is going to be so proud of that bump!" I think there might have been a gasp from the women in the room, not expecting that to be my response. Needless to say, he was fine, but it was definitely a story worth retelling:-)

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