Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Until the last few months, I have proudly been able to say that I have NEVER lost one of my children. Especially being a mother to Haynes, I felt quite a bit pride with that claim. I few months ago Port, Ella, and I were shopping for a belt in Dillards. I set Ella down to wrap a belt around Port's waist and she was gone. I felt confident she was in the area, but after a full minute of calmly looking...we realized she moves much quicker than I estimated! Port's response was to scream, "SHE'S LOST!" While I calmly(?!?) said, "Jesus help us find Ella now!" My talker suddenly turned into a quite little girl, but we quickly found her in the shoes...of all places:-)
A few weeks ago, Ella and I ran to the book store to get a gift for a friend. I put Ella down and grabbed a book seeing what direction she quickly walked toward. I was pretty confident in where she had gone, until again I couldn't find her for about a full minute! (A minute may not sound long to you, but try it sometime if you are skeptical...) Again I found her playing with the train, not even phased that I was looking for her!
Needless to say, keep your eyes on this girl...she moves fast!

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