Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oklahoma Science Museum

Waiting to be released!
Painted our faces to look like Tigers!
Riding the Segway
Sutton and Port got to blow up a balloon
Haynes with scissors?!?

Angie and I got to go with the boys to the Oklahoma Science Museum last week. I brought Haynes with us, while Brooke watched Ella for me. The boys had a great time! Angie and I agreed that we never stopped running after these five boys. We were assigned Braxton, Sutton, Port, Dax, and Haynes. We only lost track of Sutton once...but just for a few minutes:-) Port and Sutton got to participate in the show where they blew up things, it was so fun! We thought it was funny that the kids wanted to ride the Segway since Grandad has one at his house, but they loved it! Thanks boys for loving Haynes and making him feel like one of the dudes!

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