Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Funny Kids!

Haynes is really loving this headband and insists that he is going to wear it to his soccer games for now on. He makes me laugh more every day!
Ella loves her shoes, she wears them all over the house. Funny story...
Ella was waking up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago. I asked her one morning why she was waking up and she said, "Jesus is talking to me" I asked her what Jesus was saying and she said, "He's asking 'Where's your paci?'" What?!?
Yesterday we went to Ella's 2 year appointment. After a finger prick, measurements, and a few shots, Dr. Stacey said, "She's perfect, but needs to get rid of her paci." When we got in the car I told her that we were going to have to get rid of her paci. Ella looked at me and said, "But I love it!" Oh my...

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