Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sweet Sarah...

A few weeks ago my dear friends Abbey and Cathleen were asking how we were going to introduce our kids to the new baby. I honestly hadn't given it much thought because in the past we had introduced the baby to everyone at the same time. Brian and I started talking about how fun it has been that our kids are older and REALLY understand what it means to have a new sibling. We decided to bring the kids into the hospital room first to meet their new baby and then let them "help" introduce Halle to everyone else. I really wanted to have some pictures of that sweet family time, but didn't want Brian to the pressure of doing 100 things at once.
I actually felt like the Lord asked me to ask our sweet friend Sarah to take the pictures, but I didn't know when I was going to see her. At our last Celebration the Lord gave me three really sweet encounters...
1. I felt like I was suppose to pray for a girl during worship, but didn't have a lot of clarity the end of Celebration they needed extra ministry people and when I went up the first girl in line was Ryan! (the girl I had been wanting to find earlier in the night!)
2. One of my sweet friends Emily had her 5th baby a few months ago. Her recovery was supernaturally amazing and I was wanting to find her to pray over me. I never found her, but her dear friend Shelby caught me as I was walking out the door. She said, "I felt like I was suppose to pray for you and your delivery today! I am going to release Emily's testimony over you..."
3. When Shelby finishes praying sweet Sarah is walking through the door. (Isn't God's timing just so fun!) I asked if she would be willing to come take pictures and she graciously agreed. The night before we had Halle she wasn't feeling well and even went to the ER to make sure she didn't have strep or the flu. We prayed that God would heal her and we would have peace about her being around our newborn. The next morning she came in saying she felt completely healed!
All those stories to is the link to some of the amazing pictures she took. I love the process the Lord takes us through to get to the other side.

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