Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heading to Beirut!

After a lot of thought and planning we decided to bring Ella's car seat on the plane with us. Since we had so many extra hands we thought they could help us carry that big thing around the airports. We decided the hassle was worth keeping her contained on a 3 hour ride, 9 hour ride, and a 4 hour ride. We quickly learned that we chose wisely! She loved her car seat!
On our long flight from Minneapolis to Paris 6 people from our team got bumped into 1st class! We were 3 of the lucky ones! The boys had a great time and it was perfect when it came time to rest...they pretty much had their own beds. Brian and I switched places about half way through the flight...he ended up with the better end of the deal. Ella had a "blow out diaper" that she alerted me with by saying "uh oh mommy!" We then proceeded to wake up most of our half of the plane and first class since that's where the diapers were:-)
The boys got to make their own ice cream sundaes! I was moving back and forth between our seats so much that the man next to us said, "I need to travel with one of you!" My boys are pretty independent but still need help getting snacks, games, movies, etc.
We made it! We finally made it to Lebanon and so did ALL of our bags. Our last flight was great because everyone slept for most of it! When we got to Lebanon it was afternoon so we had to stay awake for the rest of the day to make jet lag a little better. I some how managed to not give out any suckers until we actually made it to Lebanon...amazing huh?!?
The minute we walked through those doors at the airport my kids turned into little celebrities! They were hugged, pinched, hair messed with, kissed, and any other form of affection you can imagine. It was absolutely amazing to see the joy these kids brought to people! Haynes somehow got under our bus driver while he was loading luggage to the top of the car. The man stepped on Haynes and was absolutely horrified! We affirmed him that Haynes was fine (it was actually his fault) but the man couldn't stop loving on him.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I have loved reading your blog during your trip. It is inspiring & so fun to see what God is doing with your family. Thanks for sharing.