Friday, June 4, 2010


We have team meetings every morning to recap, share testimonies, worship and pray before we go out. The kids have enjoyed watching quiet time videos, coloring, journaling, painting, and worshipping with a few snacks:-) Yesterday Clint, leads an Antioch team in South Beirut, joined us for our meeting. It was super fun getting to see him again and pray over him!
Yesterday we went to a mall that had an amazing kids area. We paid $3 and the kids played in a playtube, climbing wall, slide area for an hour. Brian and I took turns "treasure hunting" the mall with friends.
Last night Brian and I got to go to dinner with the LeBeau's and Caldwell's while Ryan and Clint watched the kids for us. It was super fun getting to enjoy a nice meal together...I think someone said it was one of Blake's favorite restaurants?!?
We went downtown last night and were there until about 10:30pm, so today has been a little challenging for our tired kids. One fun story from last night...The night before I brought the kids home and Brian stayed out with some guys. They encountered 3 Kuwait National Soccer players that had just had surgery on their knees. Their doctor was the translator and would not let Brian and Drew pray for them. Brian and Drew were so excited to pray for them because the doctor was setting them up so well, we've already seen knees healed on this trip, and he was telling them there was no way God would heal them. A little later another group of guys tried to talk to them again (we've had multiple encounters that initially were denied but when a second group came around they were more peaceful)...but again denied! So last night I was taking the kids to get gelato (which we get every night...I'm sure you are surprised). I was asking them who God was telling them we should pray for tonight. Port said, "A guy in shorts and a blue shirt." I had to stop myself from saying, "Port, men don't ever wear shorts here!" Then I quickly thought well if we see it then we will know for sure...About 10:15 pm I look up and see a man in kaki shorts, blue shirt, and a walking stick passing by us! I show Port and he grabs Brian, Ryan, and Clint and they chase him down. Guess what...he was one of the soccer players from the night before!!! He said no again, but we were super encouraged that God really wants to do something with this guy. Hopefully we'll see him again tonight!
Team Testimonies:
sent a team to the hospitals and morgues yesterday (Ha!)
encountered drug addicts hungry for Jesus
prayed for tons of people
following up with lots of people today


Meg said...

this gives me chills, the same soccer player...God is SOOO good!!!

Jeff and Sarah Bianchi said...

Sarah, I am so encouraged by these testimonies. What a gift you are giving your three kids ... teaching them to hear the voice of God at an early age! I have precious memories of seeing God move in the city of Beirut while visiting Blake and Marce. Praying for you guys today! Hi to Clint and Rachel. Love, Sarah Bianchi

abbey said...

oh, sarah that's fantastic! tell port we think he is awesome!! we love how we see Jesus so big in him!