Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 4th Weekend

Port has gotten even more confident in his skiing. After watching Sutton he has started switching hands so that he is only using one hand. Then he started traveling in and out of the wake! He was pretty excited and wanted to continue it!
Haynes Cole can ski!!!
Grandad and JuJu got a new ski that is perfect for little ones learning to ski. Haynes was so excited to start skiing and he did great! My little boys are growing up fast!
These kids LOVE riding on the tube together. When it was time to leave we had to make Port get off! As they were coming in sweet Sutton leaned over and hugged him...I love cousin time!
This is our little 4th of July cutie! She enjoyed swimming with Daddy, playing with the water hose, and playing in the kid pool until someone throws a fish in the pool!
I just LOVED this picture of Jade. He and BriBri were catching fish right and left, he absolutely loved it. He would kiss the fish and just grin. Jade has one of the best smiles I've ever you Jade David!
One might think Blake is the guy to go to when trying to catch the first fish, but not the case this weekend. Haynes and Blake struggled to catch a fish while Daddy and Jade couldn't miss. Haynes was pretty determined...everytime we made it to the dock Haynes insisted on fishing first.
Our 4th of July Parade!
We decorated the mules, grabbed all our flags, and toured the other houses to celebrate the 4th. The kids will do just about anything to go on a mule ride. We even got our own performance of Sloane singing "God Bless America." Oh my?! She is absolutely adorable!
BriBri, Blake and Reese decided to shoot the fireworks off on our middle dock this year. We all loaded up chairs, towels, and the mules to go watch the fireworks by the water. The guys put on a great show that lasted almost longer than our audience could! I love listening to the kids chat "MORE! MORE!"
Making smores...
I found some GIANT marshmallows to make smores. I heard if you cut up strawberries and put them on top of the chocolate and then the warm marshmallow on top is really yummy. Our cooks don't really soften the marshmallows it's really more crispy on the outside, so it didn't work great. We'll have to try again another time!
Aunt Kourtney got the girls matching dresses. These precious girls are going to be powerful women of God. He has amazing plans for you girls, I pray that your relationships will only deepen as you get older.
MaMa and PaPa came to the lake for the 4th too. I love this sweet picture of Ella with PaPa. Ella absolutely loves her MaMa and PaPa.
Uncle Mickey started a game of hide-and-seek where the truck was base. It was so funny watching Mickey chase them and see each kid try and get past him. Braxton is the last kid to make it to the truck and Mickey is chasing him...I love the looks on the cousin's faces!
We brought a few fun things to celebrate Port's 5th birthday because all he really wanted to do for his birthday was celebrate at the lake with his cousins. We decided that the marshmallow bow & arrows would be so fun! We didn't account for the rain, so the wet marshmallows were pretty gross. Sorry Grandad for the mess:-)
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Kate!
We weren't going to be able to all celebrate Elizabeth's birthday together, so Marci brought some cupcakes and we celebrated a little early. Elizabeth fell in line with all the rest of the Hartsock kids and loved the treat!
Port and Anna
These two have a really sweet relationship. Although we don't get to see Anna very often, they love each other so much. Aren't cousins the greatest!?!
Matching Nightgowns
Thanks JuJu for the cute nightgowns! We only sleep in nightgowns over here at our house...thanks to my Granma! (she always made me nightgowns...)
Check out our new tube! At one point Port and Sutton were in the middle spot facing each other. We were laughing because they were being pulled and Sutton was just chatting it up with Port. I think this might have been my kiddos favorite lake weekend ever!
We finally got Grandad's canoe to the lake! We walked it right down to the lake and everyone wanted in immediately. Later in the weekend the boys (daddies) started coming up with a few new competitions involving the canoe...I think it ended with Brian and the canoe filled with water being pulled back to land by Blake:-)

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