Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mr. Baseball

We finally made it out to one of Kooper's baseball games. He did a great job! It is so fun watching him grow up to be such a big kid. He has turned into quite the baseball player and we couldn't wait to spend some time with our family too!
Here's our little cheerleading section. Preslee and Haynes just wanted to play catch most of the game. Port, Braxton and Sutton were running back and forth between Kooper's game and Jax's game. I think Ella might win the award for the dirtiest girl at the park, she's also pretty sneaky at finding sweets to snack on...wonder where she gets that?!

1 comment:

Sally Mitzner said...

You never know who you'll meet at the ball park! Berly and I met during Krysten and Shannon's game. Our mothers found us dirty from head to toe with dirt under the bleachers in our dresses picking up cigarette butts. :)