Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We love using nicknames with our kids! I have been noticing that Ella has really picked up on that and has a few of her own:-)
Haynes- Herns (she will say Haynes but if she is talking to him she refers to him as Herns)
Josh- Joshy (she has been talking about my brother a lot lately but she refers to him as Joshy)
Granma- GaGa (apparently today at lunch she started referring to my Granma as GaGa)
Alex- Albie (yesterday we were meeting for dinner with the Bentons and I thought Ella was talking about Abbey but quickly realized that it was Albie)
Kooper- Ella refers to Kooper and Braxton as Kooper. She absolutely loves them and Braxton just goes with it...isn't he the best!
Sutton- SutSut (A lot of people call Sutton this but it's funny that she has picked up on it)
*I'm sure there are many more but these are the ones that come to mind:-)

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