Saturday, July 11, 2009

HaYnEs' BiG bOy PoTtY dAy!

It's Potty Day!
Every time you go potty we have a party!

Well....When I potty trained Port I threw him a Big Boy Party.  He was actually potty trained in 1 day!  We decided that Haynes had all the signs of being ready to potty train, so we decided to throw him a party.  We went into this knowing that Haynes is completely different than Port, so this could work wonderfully or fail terribly.  I had about as much success as failure on our Potty day.  We went to the farm to do fireworks and celebrate Haynes being a big boy with some of our family and friends.  It was a lot of fun...
We are now over a week later and still have never gotten Haynes to go #2 on a potty:-)  We realize that our kids are different and learn differently so we are in a PROCESS of being potty trained.  Any words of advice would be welcomed!!!:-)

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